Package org.xjge.core

Class Text


public final class Text
extends java.lang.Object
Provides utilities for rendering text to the screen.

NOTE: The primary method used by this class to draw strings of text is exposed exclusively to subclasses of Widget. All other additional methods can be accessed statically.

  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type Method Description
    static int lengthInPixels​(java.lang.String text, Font font)
    Finds the length of a string in pixels.
    static int numCharOccurences​(java.lang.String text, char c, int index)
    Finds the amount of times a character appears in a string from some point.
    static java.lang.String wrap​(java.lang.String text, int advanceLimit, Font font)
    Attempts to wrap a string inside of the width specified.

    Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

    clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
  • Method Details

    • wrap

      public static java.lang.String wrap​(java.lang.String text, int advanceLimit, Font font)
      Attempts to wrap a string inside of the width specified. Will not break words.
      text - the string of text to wrap
      advanceLimit - the width that the string may not exceed
      font - the current font of the string being wrapped
      a string formatted to fit inside the width specified
    • lengthInPixels

      public static int lengthInPixels​(java.lang.String text, Font font)
      Finds the length of a string in pixels.
      text - the string of text to measure
      font - the current font of the string being measured
      the length of the string in pixels
    • numCharOccurences

      public static int numCharOccurences​(java.lang.String text, char c, int index)
      Finds the amount of times a character appears in a string from some point.
      text - the string of text to examine
      c - the character to search for
      index - the index to offset the search by. Any index preceding the one specified will be omitted from the search.
      the number of times the character was found in the string provided