Uses of Class

Packages that use Camera
Package Description
Contains various classes, objects, and utilities many of which are essential to the function of the engine.
  • Uses of Camera in org.xjge.core

    Methods in org.xjge.core with parameters of type Camera
    Modifier and Type Method Description
    abstract void Entity.render​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​GLProgram> glPrograms, Camera camera, Light[] lights, int depthTexHandle)
    Used to organize calls to the OpenGL API and other code pertaining to rendering.
    abstract void Entity.render​(GLProgram glProgram, Camera camera, Light[] lights, int depthTexHandle)
    Used to organize calls to the OpenGL API and other code pertaining to rendering.
    abstract void Scene.render​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​GLProgram> glPrograms, int viewportID, Camera camera, int depthTexHandle)
    Organizes calls to the OpenGL API made by entities and other various objects located in the game world.
    static void XJGE.setViewportCamera​(int viewportID, Camera camera)
    Sets the current camera object a viewport will use.