
Supplies abstractions of OpenGL into various objects and data structures to be used by other parts of the engine. This open-ended decentralized approach to rendering enables implementing classes to make better use of the graphics pipeline while retaining more opportunities for optimization.

These Abstractions include:

  • Class Summary
    Class Description
    Represents a texture atlas (or sprite sheet) that will provide the texture coordinates of sub-images within a larger Texture.
    An immutable object used to represent color.
    Supplies a Model object with user-defined OpenGL capabilities.
    Represents a completed shader program comprised of multiple Shader objects that specify how data sent to the GPU will be processed at different rendering stages while the program is active.
    Component object that supplies implementing objects with the following: A vertex buffer object - As a default buffer through which the implementing class may supply its vertex data to the graphics pipeline. A index buffer object - To discourage data redundancy by specifying which vertices to reuse for the objects model mesh. A vertex array object - For providing convenient access to the default vertex buffer in addition to any the implementation may define.
    Represents a quickly comprehensible symbol included to help users better understand an interface.
    Defines a set of reusable vertex data that can be utilized to represent a 2D object that makes use of instanced rendering techniques.
    Represents a 3D polygonal collection of vertices, edges, and faces that will define the shape of a Model.
    Represents a 3D model.
    Objects of this class can be used as part of a larger UI widget to represent a regular 2D shape such as a pentagon, hexagon, or circle by utilizing the number of sides specified through its constructor.
    These objects are used to apply post-processing effects to the framebuffer texture of a viewport.
    Data structure used by RectangleBatch objects to draw single color rectangles.
    Used to batch render rectangles.
    Encapsulates an OpenGL shader object.
    Represents a 2D sprite animation that iterates over a series of sub-images from a texture atlas in sequence to create the illusion of movement.
    Supplies the data parsed from an image file into a new two-dimensional texture object that can be used by the graphics pipeline.
  • Enum Summary
    Enum Description
    Represents a GLSL data type that will be used to allocate a data buffer of corresponding size.