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g - Variable in class
Game - Class in org.xjge.core
Provides utilities for managing high-level game logic.
Game() - Constructor for class org.xjge.core.Game
getAnimationDuration(String) - Method in class
Obtains the total duration of the specified animation as it was parsed from the model file.
getAnimationFinished(String) - Method in class
Checks whether the specified animation has finished playing.
getAnimationFrameCount(String) - Method in class
Obtains the number of keyframes the specified animation has.
getAnimationFrameTime(String) - Method in class
Obtains a value which indicates how close we are to completing the specified animations current KeyFrame.
getAnimationSeekTime(String) - Method in class
Obtains the current amount of time that's elapsed in the specified animation.
getAspectRatio() - Method in class org.xjge.core.Monitor
Obtains the aspect ratio of the monitors current video mode.
getAssetsFilepath() - Static method in class org.xjge.core.XJGE
Obtains a user-provided string denoting the location of the sounds, images, .glsl files, and whatever other assets are used by the implementation.
getChannels() - Method in class org.xjge.core.Sound
Obtains the amount of channels this sound exhibits.
getChannels() - Method in class
Obtains the amount of color channels this texture uses.
getCurrentMonitor() - Static method in class org.xjge.core.Hardware
Obtains an object which represents the current monitor the window is using.
getCurrentSpeaker() - Static method in class org.xjge.core.Hardware
Obtains the current Speaker the engine is using for audio output.
getCursorPosX() - Static method in class org.xjge.core.XJGE
Obtains the current position of the mouse cursor within the game windows content area.
getCursorPosY() - Static method in class org.xjge.core.XJGE
Obtains the current position of the mouse cursor within the game windows content area.
getDefaultGLProgram() - Static method in class org.xjge.core.XJGE
Provides convenient access to the engines default shader program.
getDeviceControls(int) - Static method in class org.xjge.core.Input
Obtains the current control configuration of an input device.
getDeviceEnabled(int) - Static method in class org.xjge.core.Input
Checks whether or not an input device is currently allowing the engine to process its input actions.
getDeviceID() - Method in class org.xjge.core.Command
Obtains the ID number of the device currently executing this command.
getDeviceName(int) - Static method in class org.xjge.core.Input
Obtains the name of an input device.
getDevicePresent(int) - Static method in class org.xjge.core.Input
Checks whether or not an input device is currently connected to the system.
getDevicePuppet(int) - Static method in class org.xjge.core.Input
Obtains the current puppet object an input device is using (if any).
getDeviceSetting(int, String) - Static method in class org.xjge.core.Input
Obtains the value of some setting that an input device can use to adjust the responsiveness of input actions during gameplay.
getDeviceSetting(String) - Method in class org.xjge.core.Command
Provides subclasses with a value that denotes some preference of the input device currently being used to execute this command.
getFullscreen() - Static method in class org.xjge.core.Window
Obtains the value indicating whether or not the window is currently in fullscreen mode.
getHeight() - Method in class org.xjge.core.Monitor
Obtains the height of the monitors current video mode.
getHeight() - Static method in class org.xjge.core.Window
Obtains the current height of the windows content area.
getHeight() - Method in class
Obtains the height of the texture.
getInfo() - Method in class org.xjge.core.Monitor
Generates a string that provides information about the monitors current video mode.
getInputMode(int) - Method in class org.xjge.core.Window
Obtains the current value of the specified input option used by the game window.
getInputValue() - Method in class org.xjge.core.Command
Provides subclasses with a value describing the current state of the Control coupled to this command.
getKeyChar(int, int) - Static method in class org.xjge.core.Input
Obtains the letter/symbol of a keyboard key.
getKeyMouseAxisValues() - Static method in class org.xjge.core.Input
Obtains an array of values denoting which GLFW keys will be used by the KeyMouseCombo input device to mimic the action of an analog stick.
getModelMatrix() - Method in class org.xjge.core.Skybox
Provides the model matrix of the skybox.
getMonitor() - Static method in class org.xjge.core.Window
Obtains the Monitor which the window is currently using.
getMusicMasterVolume() - Static method in class org.xjge.core.Audio
Provides the current value of the music master volume.
getNumDevices() - Static method in class org.xjge.core.Input
Obtains the amount of input devices that are currently connected to the system.
getNumEvents() - Static method in class org.xjge.core.Game
Obtains the current number of events in the event queue.
getNumMonitors() - Static method in class org.xjge.core.Hardware
Provides the amount of currently connected display devices.
getNumSpeakers() - Static method in class org.xjge.core.Hardware
Provides the amount of currently connected audio devices.
getPositionX() - Static method in class org.xjge.core.Window
Obtains the position of the window, in screen coordinates, of the upper-left corner of the content area of the window.
getPositionY() - Static method in class org.xjge.core.Window
Obtains the position of the window, in screen coordinates, of the upper-left corner of the content area of the window.
getRefreshRate() - Method in class org.xjge.core.Monitor
Obtains the refresh rate of the monitors current video mode.
getResolutionX() - Static method in class org.xjge.core.XJGE
Obtains the width of the engines internal resolution (if one exists).
getResolutionY() - Static method in class org.xjge.core.XJGE
Obtains the height of the engines internal resolution (if one exists).
getSampleRate() - Method in class org.xjge.core.Sound
Obtains the unaltered sample rate of the sound.
getSceneName() - Static method in class org.xjge.core.Game
Obtains the display name of the current Scene being rendered.
getScenesFilepath() - Static method in class org.xjge.core.XJGE
Obtains a user-provided string that tells the engine where to search for implementations of the Scene superclass.
getScreenSplit() - Static method in class org.xjge.core.XJGE
Obtains the current split value used to divide the screen.
getSoundMasterVolume() - Static method in class org.xjge.core.Audio
Obtains the current value of the sound master volume.
getTickCount() - Static method in class org.xjge.core.Game
Obtains the total number of cycles that the engines update loop has completed since the start of the application.
getTime() - Method in class org.xjge.core.StopWatch
Obtains the current value of the time field.
getTime() - Method in class org.xjge.core.Timer
Obtains the current value of the time field.
getTitle() - Static method in class org.xjge.core.Window
Obtains the title used to identify the window.
getVideoModes() - Method in class org.xjge.core.Monitor
Provides an immutable collection of all the video modes available to this monitor that are supported by the engine.
getVSyncEnabled() - Static method in class org.xjge.core.Hardware
Obtains a value indicating whether or not vertical sync is enabled.
getWidth() - Method in class org.xjge.core.Monitor
Obtains the width of the monitors current video mode.
getWidth() - Static method in class org.xjge.core.Window
Obtains the current width of the windows content area.
getWidth() - Method in class
Obtains the width of the texture.
GLCaps - Class in
Supplies a Model object with user-defined OpenGL capabilities.
GLCaps() - Constructor for class
Creates a new GLCapabilites object which can be passed to the render() method of a Model object.
glowstick() - Static method in class org.xjge.core.Light
Provides implementing applications with a predefined light object that resembles a bright green glowstick.
glProgram - Variable in class
GLProgram - Class in
Represents a completed shader program comprised of multiple Shader objects that specify how data sent to the GPU will be processed at different rendering stages while the program is active.
GLProgram(LinkedList<Shader>, String) - Constructor for class
Creates a new shader program with the code supplied from the compiled .glsl source files.
Graphics - Class in
Component object that supplies implementing objects with the following: A vertex buffer object - As a default buffer through which the implementing class may supply its vertex data to the graphics pipeline. A index buffer object - To discourage data redundancy by specifying which vertices to reuse for the objects model mesh. A vertex array object - For providing convenient access to the default vertex buffer in addition to any the implementation may define.
Graphics() - Constructor for class
GRAY - Static variable in class
GREEN - Static variable in class
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